Sunday, November 4, 2007

the start of the blog

The idea of starting a blog to record the events that will transpire in the coming 365 or so days was brought up on several occasions. So here is the beginning, and first entry, with hopefully more to follow. I think it'll be more pictures with a few words, but with internet connectivity being fairly slow it might be more words with a few pictures. I will of course have my beloved camera and my trusted powerbook with me, we'll just have to wait and see how it'll all turn out...

1 comment:

Poison Ivy said...

Poison Ivy will support you all along the way.

the belgian submariner

My photo
Arlington, VA, United States
50% South African, 25% Belgian, 25% Russian; born in Lyon, grew up in Belgium, Ecuador and Venezuela; attended the US Naval Academy and spent 6 years in the Navy (3 in San Diego); transferred to the Navy Reserves and settled in Alexandria, VA

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