Monday, March 10, 2008

mailing times

It seems that mail from the US usually takes 1-2 weeks to get to Herat, it all depends on the availability of flights between Kabul and Herat (it appears mail is not the top priority!). Not asking for anything, just thought you'd like to know. Oh, and the address once again is:

LT Eric Betanoff
APO, AE 09354

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh sure...not asking for anything huh? You're issues of "fitness" magazine are coming. wink, wink.

the belgian submariner

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Arlington, VA, United States
50% South African, 25% Belgian, 25% Russian; born in Lyon, grew up in Belgium, Ecuador and Venezuela; attended the US Naval Academy and spent 6 years in the Navy (3 in San Diego); transferred to the Navy Reserves and settled in Alexandria, VA

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