Monday, March 3, 2008


I like this picture, other than because I took it but because it
reminds me a little of the show MASH. I like how it's somewhat
crooked, maybe because I was trying to get away from all the dust
they kicked up while still getting a shot out, and the two
helicopters flying away with the bright sunlight in the right corner.
This was taken on my last day at Camp Phoenix.
Anyway, just wanted to share...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Got up at 3:00am a dn now at 6:30am. My new potent vice is my APPLE at any time to satisfy my appetite of news and pics from my Huggy Bear. SUPER PIC, once again. As Bob,, Kathie and Madgdalena thought before any ONE, we will have to make a FAMOUS book from all this: Biography with lots of pics. 9 months seem long while in HERAT/HEART but not enough to write a book to PUBLISH worldwide!

the belgian submariner

My photo
Arlington, VA, United States
50% South African, 25% Belgian, 25% Russian; born in Lyon, grew up in Belgium, Ecuador and Venezuela; attended the US Naval Academy and spent 6 years in the Navy (3 in San Diego); transferred to the Navy Reserves and settled in Alexandria, VA

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