Tuesday, April 1, 2008

my boss's last day

So the LTC I worked for since I arrived here is on his way back to the States. If you ever end up driving through Jackson, Mississippi, speed up and you might get stopped by a State trooper on a motorbike, and it just might be my now old boss. He was a riot to work for and will be missed, and I only hope the next LTC to come in a few weeks will be just as fun, but probably not.
handing out a "fake" certificate to our interpreter

handing out a real certificate to our interpreter

him and one of the better afghan officers, not the resemblance to Ron Jeremy

1 comment:

crazy4danes said...

Just cruising through blogs and came across yours. I just want to thank you for the sacrifice and service that you give, that allows the freedoms that my family and I enjoy. This is a great blog and I'm glad I stopped by :)...you and everyone else serving are in my prayers.

the belgian submariner

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Arlington, VA, United States
50% South African, 25% Belgian, 25% Russian; born in Lyon, grew up in Belgium, Ecuador and Venezuela; attended the US Naval Academy and spent 6 years in the Navy (3 in San Diego); transferred to the Navy Reserves and settled in Alexandria, VA

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