Wednesday, July 16, 2008

back in kuwait!!!

So here I am on my way back to Herat for four more months. The journey so far has had me leaving Baltimore International Airport at 0925 on Tuesday (yesterday) for Atlanta, waiting at the Atlanta airport until mid-afternoon when we were paraded through the airport with most bystanders clapping for us to check in for our charter flight to Kuwait, leaving Atlanta an hour late in a jam-packed plane (maybe 1 or 2 free seats at most) for the 8 hour flight to Leipzig, Germany to refuel and change crews, then after an hour wait we took off for the 6 hour flight to Kuwait where we arrived in the early evening hours so the temperature was actually bearable. We then went on a one hour bus ride to a base in the northern part of the country, and this bus ride actually felt longer than the flights!
It looks as if I will only have to spend a night here, we should be leaving for Bagram in shortly after lunch on Thursday. Then once in Bagram I will have to find a flight to Herat where I hope to be back by Friday. As far as going back to work, do I really need to?


Unknown said...

Very sorry that your long trip back to Herat without any sleep since Tueaday morning is not OVER yet??? Saw your comment on Facebook yesterday while waiting for a plane: "I hate Baghram". Hoped to fly out and at 7:00pm N.Y time tonight,wrote: "Need to get out of here soon!" Yr. sense of humor is priceless but there is a limit. Hooked to my computer and you.

Unknown said...

Magda Kuhndelpitout at 1:39am July 19 du comment de Huggy sur Facebook a repondu:
4:30am ici. Ouf! Hors de Baghram "adore". KIA est Coreen et voiture Chouchou? Bref, ca bouge un peu et te rapproches de ton Chateau ds. desert d'herat. Mom redodo, I hope. Photos Huggy plus belles que soleil de cet ami!! VIVE HERAT ET SKYPE!

the belgian submariner

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Arlington, VA, United States
50% South African, 25% Belgian, 25% Russian; born in Lyon, grew up in Belgium, Ecuador and Venezuela; attended the US Naval Academy and spent 6 years in the Navy (3 in San Diego); transferred to the Navy Reserves and settled in Alexandria, VA

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